
Welcome to our blog. We are excited to post pictures from our recent trip to Israel and add commentary about the people, places and special moments we experienced in the Holy Land. We pray you are blessed as we share.

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Rick and Carol Sharp

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Tel

Tel Meggido is a city set on a hill . . . of rubble.

I climbed a winding dirt path, then precarious stone steps to a plateau situated 70 feet above the base of Meggido. The Jezreel Valley including Armageddon stretched below. 

Our tour group explored the partially excavated passageways, city walls and the rooftop of a palace where King David may have entertained his most important guests. These discoveries along with pottery shards,  pieces of iron and forgotten coins create a mysterious puzzle for history lovers. Some archaeologists believe up to 26 different civilizations occupied this 10 acre city during its long history. 

As one established people crumbled under conquest or when an earthquake destroyed the foundations of the city, another people moved in. The new inhabitants leveled the remains and built a new foundation upon the rubble of columns and stone. Ground zero is buried at the bottom of the heap and the historical mound is now a Tel.

This post has taken some time to write as I considered the Tel concept. I've seen it in books but never understood just how big that mound is.  

My life is much like Tel Meggido with the rubble of my successes and failures the foundation for a higher place in Christ. All is built upon ground zero where Jesus remains my cornerstone. The history is there, the puzzle complex and He is the master builder for who I am. I praise God for His unending mercy.   

We entered the tunnel shaft of the water system used to feed the wells and springs throughout the city. The stairs went down, down, down and I began to wonder if I could climb all those steps back up to the summit of Tel Meggido.

Thankfully we exited near the ground level where our bus first let us out.

Tel Meggido, the battlefield. There's more.

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