
Welcome to our blog. We are excited to post pictures from our recent trip to Israel and add commentary about the people, places and special moments we experienced in the Holy Land. We pray you are blessed as we share.

Feel free to add your own thoughts and comments.


Rick and Carol Sharp

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What surprised me about the Sea of Galilee?

It's huge. I guess I expected the Sea of Galilee to be less than lake size (probably from verses I've read).

It's waters are clear and beautiful. After all, it's very old.

The waves can be great or the water surface glassy smooth. Because of the way it is nestled between geographical ridges the winds can cause the waves to reach surprising heights and capsize small fishing vessels.  The disciples were right to be afraid in the natural.

And I was surprised at its beauty.

 The full moon accompanied our journey across the Sea of Galilee.

The evening on the boat surpassed every expectation but here is yet another surprise. I love archaeology and in 1986 a boat was found buried in the mud.  The sea's water level is reaching record lows and more of the lake bottom is exposed than before.  Archaeologists date the boat to be from around the time of Christ. When discovered, historical restoration began by sealing it with a hardened foam and transferring it to a lab where it was cleaned, preserved and reassembled for display. 

This really could be a boat Jesus sat in. Is that amazing? Selah.
(Just think about it.) 

And here was a very special surprise. How God took a busload of 45 strangers and began a knitting project. The next ten days we would travel and share our lives with one another in an unforgettable journey. 

Now we are home, and thoughts of my new friends come often.
Each one special, each one loved.

". . . ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. " 
Ephesians 1:15-16

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